Finding Balance and Preventing Burnout

We all live busy lives trying to balance work, business, family and hobbies - the life of a householder. It’s easy to think we are invincible and take on too much.  But when we are trying to burn the candle at both ends eventually the body and mind can’t keep up with the lifestyle we are trying to live.  

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Spring Cleansing

There is a clear-crisp feeling in the air that has the power to reveal new visions and inspires new possibilities.  In nature this is the best time to plant seeds, we can mirror nature’s way in our lives by sowing the seeds we wish to harvest in the upcoming months. So when the spring equinox passes on September 23rd, the shift in universal energy will infuse us with the inspiration to ‘spring’ into action setting us up for the season ahead - summer!  

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Berry Chia Pudding

Ever wondered what yogi's eat for breakfast? The answer is right here! Chia seed pudding is crammed full of antioxidants, omega-3s fatty acids, calcium, and high quality proteins. All this goodness makes one of these delightful little puddings the perfect breakfast (or healthy snack!).  It's super easy to make and one batch can be put in the fridge and eaten for a couple of days. You can add all your favourite toppings - when in season we love blueberries and almond.

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The Butterfly Effect ~ mindful living can change the world.

In chaos theory it is believed that the flap of a butterfly’s wings, despite being the smallest of actions, can have dramatic effects on long-term outcomes. As the theory goes – a flap of those pretty little wings can be enough to determine if a tornado will form or not. And as a metaphor for how we choose to live in the world – we could each choose to think of ourselves, and our actions, like ‘butterflies’.

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