Coconut & Raspberry Bliss Balss


1 cup (140g/4.9oz) sunflower seeds
1 cup (100g/3.5oz) desiccated coconut
1⁄3 cup (50g/1.7oz) chopped beetroot
1⁄3 cup (8g/0.3oz) freeze-dried raspberries
1⁄2 tsp Himalayan sea salt
1⁄2 tsp vanilla bean powder
3 Tbsp coconut oil
2 cups (320g/11.2oz) dates, soaked for 4 hours

1 cup (100g/3.5oz) desiccated coconut
1⁄4 cup (6g/0.2oz) freeze-dried raspberries


Place the sunflower seeds, desiccated coconut, beetroot, freeze-dried raspberries, sea salt and vanilla bean powder and blend until fine. Add the coconut oil and blend until well mixed. Add the dates and blend on low until well combined. Pour mixture into a bowl and set aside.

Place the desiccated coconut and freeze-dried raspberries in a small bowl and mix with your hands, rubbing to combine the raspberry colour with the coconut. Take two tablespoons of the mixture and roll into a ball. Place in the raspberry coconut mixture and roll around to coat completely. Continue to do this until you have used up all the mixture. Store, refrigerated, in an airtight container for up to three weeks.

Makes 12

How to Build a Packageless Pantry

As we ease into the warmer months, you may feel the need to strip back the layers a little. A little cleansing, clearing of the wardrobe and perhaps slightly less conventional, a clearing out of the pantry. The pantry is surprisingly a place of major clutter for many people, it’s amazing what can hide in there.

So, what does a packageless pantry mean?

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Super Salad Guide

Prepare for the yummiest of yummy salads with our easy to follow to guide. We recommend using organic vegetables that are in season for optimal freshness and taste. Cutting vegetables and leafy greens finely allows for flavours to mingle. And always remember to toss through a small amount of homemade dressing in your salad bowl before serving, then your salad will be even more delicious!

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Golden Milk

Turmeric has been touted as a wonder herb and used in Indian and Chinese Traditional Medicine for centuries - and for good reason! Turmeric has significant anti-inflammatory properties. It is known to be beneficial to the inner organs, the spine, and the joints. It also purifies the blood and promotes general good health.


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Spinach & Quinoa Fritters

For a light dinner, lunch or on the run snack try these tasty morsels created by one of our very talented naturopaths Selina Singh! Her Spinach and Quinoa Fritters are high in fibre and folate which are great for balancing blood sugars and hormones. They contain different types of fibre which keep you feeling fuller for longer and promotes good gut function.


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Berry Chia Pudding

Ever wondered what yogi's eat for breakfast? The answer is right here! Chia seed pudding is crammed full of antioxidants, omega-3s fatty acids, calcium, and high quality proteins. All this goodness makes one of these delightful little puddings the perfect breakfast (or healthy snack!).  It's super easy to make and one batch can be put in the fridge and eaten for a couple of days. You can add all your favourite toppings - when in season we love blueberries and almond.

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