How Stress Influences Disease

Stress is something we all experience, which is not necessarily a bad thing. The stress response is a natural reaction to life experiences and can help us to cope with potentially serious situations. However if this stress response doesn’t stop firing, these elevated stress level scan take a toll on your long-term health.

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Create a Wellness Retreat at Home

Countrywide lockdowns, a slow economy, and a pandemic on your doorstep may have taken a toll on your mental health and lead to stress & anxiety. A lockdown is an ideal time to practice self-care and focus on your well-being to recharge your energy.

It's the wellness weekend you've been needing ~ relaxation, self-care, healthy meals, physical activity, and all your favorite wellness treatments. Retreats allow you to truly unplug, harmonise the body and mind, and recharge your energy. You don’t need to go anywhere to get these benefits and you can create your own wellness retreat at home.

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Dreams: Why do we have them and what do they mean?

Everyone dreams every night, yet 95% of dreams are forgotten before we wake in the morning. The ones that are remembered can be entertaining, fun, adventurous, vivid and often bizarre. Yet there is still much about sleep and dreams that remain a mystery for experts. Even the question of why we dream is one yet to be answered. However there are studies that can help us to understand what triggers intense dreams and the health benefits of dreaming.

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8 Tips to keep your Immune System Strong

When we’re feeling strong and healthy we can take our immune healthy for granted. Yet when the sniffles start we hope our immune system will pick up the slack. The colder months often make it harder to keep up with a healthy lifestyle. I’ve listed my top 8 tips for keeping your immune system strong as the seasons change.

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How to tell you have reached the point of Burnout?

Burnout is when you reach a state of mental and physical exhaustion. The main cause of burnout is stress. It is when you wake up feeling exhausted and dread getting out of bed. If you continue to push through burnout it can lead to depression, anxiety, heart disease, diabetes, and obesity.

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8 Self-Care Tips for Busy Mums

Being a mum can be hard work! It is a 24 hour seven day a week commitment. From waking in the night to breastfeed, to picking up kids from school, to having a busy schedule and working; means mums can often get exhausted and burnt out!! It is common for mums to put themselves at the bottom of the list as they are always busy caring and looking after everyone else’s needs before themselves. The mum is the centre-point of the house and their wellbeing is really important to keep the family healthy and happy.

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How to Build a Packageless Pantry

As we ease into the warmer months, you may feel the need to strip back the layers a little. A little cleansing, clearing of the wardrobe and perhaps slightly less conventional, a clearing out of the pantry. The pantry is surprisingly a place of major clutter for many people, it’s amazing what can hide in there.

So, what does a packageless pantry mean?

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How Traditional Chinese Medicine relates to Spring

Most of us love this season, but for many, the changeable weather patterns can feel like a tease. Nature begins to blossom and hint at new possibility, yet we still need our jackets when we go outside. My daughter gets so excited seeing the new blossoms, for her she associates this with Summer and swimming at the beach – but honoring our bodies thermic nature as Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) promotes, its still a little cool for this!

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Spring Detox


Detoxification has become a bit of a trend over the last decade. It is actually a necessity to keep the body maintained. The same as you take your car into the mechanic to get a service every 6 months or a every year; to keep the car running at it’s optimal level. The same is true with our body: if we cleanse the body every 6 months, we can keep the body at an optimal level with optimal health.

Spring into Spring with a detox to reboot your system, revitalise your body, and renew your energy. Reset your body with a 7 days Spring Detox to feel amazing for the Summer months ahead. 

Here are my Spring Detox Diet guidelines to cleanse the body....

  1. Focus on eating whole foods: vegetables, fruit, whole grains, nuts, seeds, and legumes. Eat a variety of different fruits and vegetables everyday.

  2. Drink at least 8 cups of water daily: The body is made up of at least 60% water, which makes water the best detoxifying fluid. Always have a drink bottle with you to sip during day. Try to avoid drinking a lot with meals, as liquid will dilute your digestive power. If you struggle to drink water then you can jazz up your water with adding lemon, lime, orange, grapefruit, mint, or cucumber to add some flavour.

  3. Snacks: Some people need to eat constantly and others do not snack between meal times. Raw vegetables, green juice, and fresh fruits are the most ideal snacks as they are light and digest easily.

  4. Lunch and Dinners: focus on 1/4 plate Protein, 1/4 plate Complex Carbohydrate, 1/2 plate Vegetables / Large salad.

  5. Eat living foods that are raw and are packed full of enzymes. Raw foods are in there natural forms and have not been cooked, microwaved, frozen, or steamed.

Best Foods to support Detoxification:

  • Fresh Fruit

  • Fresh Vegetables and Greens

  • Fresh pressed Vegetable and Fruit juices

  • Nuts and seeds

  • Legumes (in moderation)

  • Fresh herbs and spices

  • Mineral Water

  • Herbal Teas (caffeine free)

Foods to Avoid during the 7 day Detox:

  • Meat, Fish, Poultry, and Eggs

  • Dairy products

  • Refined Sugar: Sweets, cakes, biscuits, chocolate

  • Breads, pasta, cereals, wheat products

  • Refined and Processed foods

  • Fatty and Fried Foods

  • Alcohol

  • Caffeine: Coffee, black tea, and energy drinks

Written by Naturopath Erin O'Hara 

5 Tips to Boost your Immunity

The dreaded winter cold/flu that inevitably strikes when the seasons switch. Try these top 5 immunity tips to boost your health and dodge the bugs this winter.


1.    Reduce your stress externally and emotionally. When we are feeling stressed our immune system is also compromised. Try to add in 5-10 minutes of daily breathing or meditation into your daily routine.

2.    Eat warming foods. Over the winter months we tend to want to eat more comfort foods. Instead of eating rich creamy foods switch to healthy nutritious vegetable soups and slow cooked foods. To build internal fire increase warming foods such as cloves, ginger, chilli, horseradish and pepper. Try to use fruit and vegetables that are seasonal and local so they are packed full of nutrients.

3.    Reduce sugar intake. The negative effects of sugar starts within 30 minutes and last for over 5 hours!! Sugar typically reduces the ability of the white blood cells to destroy and engulf bugs by about 50%. Try to have less than 50g of sugar per day (12.5 teaspoons). The more sugar you consume the greater the negative impact on the immune system.

4.    Take Vitamin C daily. Vitamin C is antiviral and antibacterial. It helps to enhance the response of white blood cells to fight infections and reduce the severity of a common cold. Take a maintenance dose over the winter of 1000mg per day and then when you are feeling like you are getting sick take small doses (250mg) every 2 hours. Increases interferon (chemical factor that fights viral infection and cancer). Vitamin C has a direct biochemical effect on white blood cells as interferon.

5.    Boost your immunity with herbal medicine

  • Echinacea root: Maintains upper respiratory tract health and supports the body's own natural immune system to bring effective relief from the symptoms of colds, flu and minor infection.
  • Astragalus: A traditional Chinese herb to enhance immune function and has a mild antiviral activity to help prevent colds.
  • Andrographis: Supports the body's immune system when dealing with cold symptoms.
  • Withania (Ashwaganda): Enhances immune function and is a natural antioxidant.
  • Goldenseal: It is anti-microbial, anti-biotic, anti-inflammatory and astringent. So it can help fight bacterial infections, and fungal disorders.

By Erin O'Hara

Finding Balance and Preventing Burnout

We all live busy lives trying to balance work, business, family and hobbies - the life of a householder. It’s easy to think we are invincible and take on too much.  But when we are trying to burn the candle at both ends eventually the body and mind can’t keep up with the lifestyle we are trying to live.  

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Spring Cleansing

There is a clear-crisp feeling in the air that has the power to reveal new visions and inspires new possibilities.  In nature this is the best time to plant seeds, we can mirror nature’s way in our lives by sowing the seeds we wish to harvest in the upcoming months. So when the spring equinox passes on September 23rd, the shift in universal energy will infuse us with the inspiration to ‘spring’ into action setting us up for the season ahead - summer!  

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