8 Self-Care Tips for Busy Mums


Being a mum can be hard work! It is a 24 hour seven day a week commitment. From waking in the night to breastfeed, to picking up kids from school, to having a busy schedule and working; means mums can often get exhausted and burnt out!! It is common for mums to put themselves at the bottom of the list as they are always busy caring and looking after everyone else’s needs before themselves. The mum is the centre-point of the house and their wellbeing is really important to keep the family healthy and happy.

It is so important for mums to take the time they need for self-care both physically and mentally. Here are 8 Self-Care Tips for Busy Mums to find the balance and feel healthy:

  1. Take time out for yourself and do something just for you. Mums are great at putting everybody else first instead plan time for yourself each week and do something that makes you happy. It could be a beach walk, a yoga class, catching up with a friend, going to the gym, meditation, or reading a book. Having some childfree time will fill up your own energy bucket and allow you to appreciate and be more present with your children.

  2. Plan and prepare healthy meals. Eating healthy can be challenging especially when you do not have a lot of time. Try to plan ahead and prepare meals in bulk so you don’t have to think too much at each mealtime. The easiest way is to plan a meal at dinner and make extra so you have a healthy lunch the following day. Aim to eat a healthy whole foods diet so you get plenty of nutrients for optimal health. Make smart food choices by eliminating junk food, sugar, and processed foods from your diet.

  3. Naps. It’s okay to take a day nap. If you have little children rest when babies are sleeping. It is so easy to think “I will just push through as I have SO much to do!”. By having a little nap in the day it can help you to boost your energy levels to be more productive, elevate mood, be more tolerant with your kids, and prevent burnout. When you push over your limits in the long term it can lead to burnout, adrenal fatigue, chronic fatigue, and hormonal imbalances. Listen to your body and rest when you need to rest.

  4. Don’t compare yourself to others. Some mums can make it look really easy especially following mums on social media who are showing the best 90% of their daily life. Stay focused on the best things that work for you and your family as you know best. Follow your own intuition and values in how you want to raise your own children. Different parenting styles work for different families.

  5. Surround yourself with support. Positivity and support are so important when it comes to living a healthy lifestyle and being a balanced mum. If your family lives overseas, then create a healthy mummy support group of other friends and like-minded mums who are there and can give support and encouragement. In the past, children were raised by communities but now more and more mums think they need to do it by themselves and be invincible. Let your family and friends help you and support each other. Don’t be afraid to ask for help when you need it.

  6. Exercise. If you are limited for time to exercise and make it simple and achievable. It might be walking instead of taking the car when you drop the kids at school or walking to the park. This allows you to get fresh air and a little bit of “me time” while you are with the kids. Make exercise a habit and plan out a weekly schedule for at least 3 to 4 weekly sessions of 20-30 minutes. Walking is one of the easiest ways to get clarity, gather your thoughts, and take some time out.

  7. Hydration. When we are busy it’s hard to remember to drink enough water. The easiest thing you can do to keep your energy levels up and your digestive system running smoothly as to drink at least 2 Litres of water per day. Have a water bottle handy to enable you to stay hydrated no matter where you are.

  8. Be present. Focus your time and energy in the present moment as much as possible. It can be so easy to get distracted and feel overwhelmed as a mum is trying to wear so many hats! Be conscious about your daily choices and enjoy the everyday moments. Take one day at a time and enjoy the process of being a mum.

Take the time for yourself and look after your own health to feel healthy both physically and mentally. Remember a healthy mum makes for a happy child and a happy family!

Written by Erin O’Hara (Naturopath & Medical Herbalist)