Healthy Snacks Guide

There are lots of great snack ideas on our Healthy Treats page ... we will share some of them here too, along with some savoury options as well. Happy snacking!


In between meals is usually the time when unhealthy choices slip into our diet.  Green juices and smoothies are great snacks to have for your mid morning or afternoon snack. Other great ideas include :


 - Fresh Dates

-  Orange or Mandarin

-  Piece of Fresh Fruit

-  Green smoothie or juice

-  3-5 x Olives

-  Cup of Herbal Tea

-  Bliss Balls or raw truffles

-  ½ cup unsweetened natural yoghurt

-  Small hand full of raw nuts or seeds

-  ½ Avocado on raw or wholegrain crackers

-  Raw or wholegrain crackers with hummus, sauerkraut, tomato and sprouts.

-  Vegetable Sticks with Hummus or fresh pesto