Detox Herbal Blend

“I like to drink my detox blend first thing in the morning, to stimulate the liver and get the detoxification process started. I also love to sip on this throughout the day, or while on a juice cleanse, as it has potent healing powers. The unique combination of ingredients in this blend has been formulated to enhance your body’s natural detoxifying processes, helping to cleanse out lingering toxins and impurities. The licorice root and dandelion will help to soothe your digestion, providing a feeling of refreshment and vitality. “ - Olivia Scott

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Instant Bircher Muesli Recipe

“This is my favourite lazy breakfast. I love overnight oats and traditional bircher muesli, but I’m rarely organised enough to get them prepped the night before, so this is the ideal solution for me, and hopefully for you too. I love mine with almond butter, fresh berries and a spoonful of maple but it’s also delicious with toasted nuts, banana slices and just about anything else you’ve got in your kitchen.” - Deliciously Ella

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Cacao Almond Smoothie



1 cup (220g/7.8oz) ice
1 banana
5 dates
2 Tbsp almonds
1 Tbsp cacao nibs, plus extra
to serve
1 Tbsp cacao powder
1 tsp ground cinnamon
pinch of Himalayan sea salt
12⁄3 cups (400ml) filtered water


Place all ingredients in a high-speed blender and blend on high for 2–3 minutes until smooth. Pour into a serving glass and serve with a sprinkle of cacao nibs on top.

Makes 500ml, Serves 2 (or 1 for breakfast)

Recipe from LOVE, By Olivia

Beetroot 'Risotto' with Wasabi Cream

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This is one of my favourite summer recipes. Its tasty, light and nourishing, and with the hint of wasabi it really spices things up a little.

Olivia x

Recipe from Love By Olivia


1 cup (135g/4.8oz) cashews, soaked (see page 12)
1⁄2 cup (125ml) filtered water
1 tsp wasabi powder
1 Tbsp rice malt syrup
juice of 1 lemon

4 parsnips
2 large beetroots
3 Tbsp finely chopped chives 1 clove garlic, minced
1 tsp Himalayan sea salt
1 tsp freshly ground black pepper 1 tsp kelp powder
1 Tbsp miso paste
5 Tbsp sesame oil

GARNISH microherbs


To make the wasabi cream, place all ingredients in a high-speed blender, and blend on high until smooth. Pour wasabi cream into a jug and set aside.

To make the risotto, peel the parsnips and beetroots, trim off the tops and bottoms and discard. Chop vegetables into pieces and place in a food processor. Process on medium until vegetables form a rice-like consistency, then place the ‘risotto rice’ into a bowl. Add the chives, garlic, sea salt, pepper, kelp powder, miso paste and sesame oil and mix thoroughly.

Place the risotto into short tumblers and press down firmly. Place your serving plate on top of the tumbler, and carefully flip so that the risotto falls onto the plate in a moulded form. Garnish with microherbs of your choice. Drizzle the wasabi cream around the outside of the risotto.

Serves 2

Maple Baby Carrots

Olivia Scott

These little carrots are wonderful for snacking on — they’re nutritious and taste amazing! They’re also great for entertaining and kids love them. I usually make up a batch on Sunday and leave them soaking throughout the week in the fridge. You don’t need to use baby carrots in this recipe; you can use carrot sticks or celery.

Hope you enjoy! Find more recipes over at Olivia Scott


1 clove garlic
1 thumb fresh ginger
3 Tbsp maple syrup
1⁄3 cup (83ml) tamari
3 Tbsp extra virgin olive oil
25 baby carrots
1 cup Cashew & Capsicum Dip (optional, see page 126)


Place all ingredients except carrots in a high-speed blender and blend until smooth. Place the carrots in a shallow dish or container, pour the mixture over them and massage with your hands. Leave to marinate for at least 3 hours. Serve on their own or with Cashew & Capsicum Dip. Store, refrigerated, for up to one week.

Carrot, Lime and Coconut Slaw

Olivia Scott from Love By Olivia shares her recipe for this delicious Carrot, Lime and Coconut Slaw.


10 carrots, peeled and grated
1⁄2 cup (13g/0.5oz) mint leaves
1⁄2 cup (13g/0.5oz) coriander leaves
1⁄2 cup (50g/1.8oz) dried coconut chips, plus extra to garnish
1⁄2 cup (85g/3oz) currants

1⁄2 cup (125ml) coconut aminos juice of 2 limes
1⁄4 cup (65ml) extra virgin olive oil
juice and rind of 1 orange
1⁄2 cup (125ml) coconut milk
1⁄4 cup (50g/1.8oz) coconut sugar 1 thumb fresh ginger
1 clove garlic
1 tsp Himalayan sea salt


In a bowl, combine carrot with mint, coriander, coconut chips and currants and set aside.

To make the dressing, place all ingredients in a high-speed blender and blend until smooth. Pour the dressing over the salad and mix thoroughly. Serve in bowls and garnish with some extra coconut chip.

Serves 4

Mango & Pineapple Chia Pudding

Recipe by Olivia Scott

Recipe by Olivia Scott

Tropical Chia Pudding


1 cup (250ml) coconut milk
1 cup (160g/5.6oz) chopped pineapple, plus extra to garnish flesh of 1 mango, plus extra to garnish
1⁄2 cup (125ml) filtered water
1⁄3 cup (100g/3.5oz) rice malt syrup
pinch of vanilla bean powder
1⁄3 cup (55g/1.9oz) chia seeds


Place coconut milk, pineapple, mango, filtered water, rice malt syrup and vanilla bean powder in a high-speed blender, and blend on high until smooth.

Place chia seeds in a jar. Pour the blended liquid into the jar over the chia seeds and stir. Make sure there are no lumps of chia seeds at the bottom.

Refrigerate for at least 2 hours to set.

To serve, garnish with extra pineapple or mango.

Serves 2

Recipe by Olivia Scott from Love By Olivia

Coconut & Raspberry Bliss Balss


1 cup (140g/4.9oz) sunflower seeds
1 cup (100g/3.5oz) desiccated coconut
1⁄3 cup (50g/1.7oz) chopped beetroot
1⁄3 cup (8g/0.3oz) freeze-dried raspberries
1⁄2 tsp Himalayan sea salt
1⁄2 tsp vanilla bean powder
3 Tbsp coconut oil
2 cups (320g/11.2oz) dates, soaked for 4 hours

1 cup (100g/3.5oz) desiccated coconut
1⁄4 cup (6g/0.2oz) freeze-dried raspberries


Place the sunflower seeds, desiccated coconut, beetroot, freeze-dried raspberries, sea salt and vanilla bean powder and blend until fine. Add the coconut oil and blend until well mixed. Add the dates and blend on low until well combined. Pour mixture into a bowl and set aside.

Place the desiccated coconut and freeze-dried raspberries in a small bowl and mix with your hands, rubbing to combine the raspberry colour with the coconut. Take two tablespoons of the mixture and roll into a ball. Place in the raspberry coconut mixture and roll around to coat completely. Continue to do this until you have used up all the mixture. Store, refrigerated, in an airtight container for up to three weeks.

Makes 12

Ginger and Goji Granola

Ginger and Goji Granola

Ginger and Goji Granola

Recipe from LOVE, By Olivia


2 cups (330g/11.8oz) buckwheat, soaked (see page 11)
4 Tbsp maple syrup
2 tsp ground ginger
1 cup (140g/4.9oz) pumpkin seeds
1 cup (140g/4.9oz) sunflower seeds
1/2 cup (120g/4.2oz) goji berries
1 Tbsp white sesame seeds
1 Tbsp black sesame seeds

2 Tbsp yoghurt of your choice

1 cup (250ml) Almond Mylk


Strain the soaked buckwheat and rinse under clean, running water (until water runs clear). Place in a bowl, and mix with maple syrup, ground ginger, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, goji berries, and white and black sesame seeds.

When the muesli is mixed thoroughly together, place on dehydrator trays that have been lined with baking paper and dehydrate for 12 hours, or until it has reached your preferred crunchiness. Store in a large airtight jar or container.

To serve, place 2⁄3 cup of muesli in each bowl and serve with yoghurt and Almond Mylk.

Makes 6 serves

Carrot, Cumin & Coriander Soup

Recipe from The Raw Kitchen Cookbook

Recipe from The Raw Kitchen Cookbook


8 carrots, chopped
3 cups (750ml) coconut milk
3 tomatoes
1/4 Tbsp ground cumin
2 Tbsp coriander seeds
3 Tbsp miso paste
1 tsp salt
2 tsp freshly ground black pepper 2 Tbsp yoghurt, to serve
3⁄4 cup (21g/0.9oz) coriander leaves, plus extra to garnish


Peel carrots and trim off the tops and bottoms. Chop into 2cm pieces and place in the high-speed blender. Add the rest of the ingredients to the blender. Blend on medium for 1–2 minutes or until preferred consistency is reached. Warm on stove top until slowly bubbling, stirring so that bottom doesn’t catch. Serve in bowls with a dollop of yoghurt and a sprig of coriander on top.

Serves 4

Recipe from Love By Olivia

Choc & Orange Mousse with Poached Pear



Poached Pear
1 pear
3 tbsp lemon juice
3 tbsp maple syrup

Flesh of 1 avocado (or flesh of 1 mango)
2 bananas
1 cup Almond Mylk
2 Tbsp cacao powder
1 Tbsp coconut sugar
1 Tbsp coconut oil
pinch of vanilla bean powder
pinch of himalayan sea salt

2 Tbsp pistachios
chopped 1 Tbsp orange zest


To make the poached pear, place lemon juice and maple syrup in a bowl or glass that will also fit the pear. Peel then halve the pear and slice off the bottom. Place in the glass and refrigerate for at least 2 hours to marinate. ensure the pear is fully immersed in the liquid; if it isn’t, add more lemon juice or water.

To make the mousse, place avocado, bananas, Almond Mylk, cacao powder, coconut sugar, coconut oil, vanilla bean powder and sea salt in a blender and blend until smooth. Pour into two small bowls and place pear halves on top. Garnish with a sprinkle of pistachios and/or orange zest.

Serves 2

Recipe from Love By Olivia

Golden Milk

Turmeric has been touted as a wonder herb and used in Indian and Chinese Traditional Medicine for centuries - and for good reason! Turmeric has significant anti-inflammatory properties. It is known to be beneficial to the inner organs, the spine, and the joints. It also purifies the blood and promotes general good health.


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Spinach & Quinoa Fritters

For a light dinner, lunch or on the run snack try these tasty morsels created by one of our very talented naturopaths Selina Singh! Her Spinach and Quinoa Fritters are high in fibre and folate which are great for balancing blood sugars and hormones. They contain different types of fibre which keep you feeling fuller for longer and promotes good gut function.


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