5 Realistic Tips for a Consistent Yoga Practice

We all know the drill. You tell yourself you’re going to make yoga a regular habit, then life gets in the way and somehow you haven’t been to a class in weeks. It’s common for motivation and consistency to go in ups and downs, yet consistency in your yoga practice is where the magic happens. A regular and consistent yoga practice builds strength, increases flexibility, allows you to let go of stress and anxiety and connects you to your true self - truly ALL the good stuff. Read below for our 5 realistic tips on how to stay consistent with your yoga practice.

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Golden Gratitude: our yoga teachers share what they are GRATEFUL for this month!

Practising gratitude regularly is a complete game changer. As yogis we have known this for years but now the research is backing that up though with various studies looking at the impact of gratitude on people's lives - and surprise surprise - people who regularly practice gratitude are generally happier and more optimistic! Studies show that people who regularly take time to notice and reflect on the things they're grateful for experience more positivity, express more compassion and kindness, and have healthier relationships with the people around them.

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My Pregnancy Yoga Journey - with Greer Taffard

Discovering Pregnancy Yoga during her first pregnancy, Greer found subtle techniques to adjust to her new and changing body and found tools to stay calm and centred during labour. During her second pregnancy though, yoga was not a possibility and her experience was a completely different one. When Greer become pregnant for the third time she was determined to not have a repeat scenario, and committed to twice weekly yoga classes. Hear about Greer’s three pregnancies and why she believes pregnancy yoga is a must for all pregnant women!

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Studio Reopening - RED Protection Guidelines

We are so excited to let you know Golden Yogi will be reopening on Wednesday 3rd December! Although things may look a little different we are so happy to be back sharing what we love and connecting with the community. Below is a detailed overview of everything you need to know about our reopening. We will be offering both in-studio and outdoor classes to make sure everyone who wants to come to yoga is included. We will be operating with a COVID-Safe plan, keeping the safety, wellbeing, and enjoyment of our students and team as our top priority. We are overjoyed to finally be able to meet together, practice yoga together, be present together and connect within together.

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How I found Yoga & what is missing from most teacher trainings ~ with Daphne Luke

Yoga has helped me in so many ways and profoundly changed my life. I started yoga in the mid 90s for physical pain and stress and immediately found that helped me deeply on so many levels. After practicing for 10 years I took the plunge and trained to become a teacher in 2006 in the hope that I could share what I love and the system of yoga - mind, body and spirit. I thought that if I could help at least one person like it has changed my life then it would be worth it…

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Reopening - Level 2 Guidelines

Yippee!! We are really looking forward to reopening the studio again for classes at Alert Level 2. We will have more freedom and life will be starting to move back towards normal again as we take the big step to Level 2. It is exciting to be able to reopen the studio for classes but we need to be mindful to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in the community.

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We kicked off the LIVE streaming of classes today, via streaming platform ZOOM.

In light of recent government announcements, we have temporarily closed our studio for yoga classes effective immediately until further notice.

We will be Live Streaming the classes on Zoom so you can practice yoga in the safety of your own home. The live streamed classes start today Tuesday 24th March - check out our timetable here

To access our live streams of classes:

  • Please register via Mind Body Online or the Golden Yogi App as you would a regular class - at least 30 minutes before the start time of the class.

  • Please set up an account with Zoom (zoom.com). You can set up your personalised account here for free. It would be best to create a username similar to your name, so we can sync with the class roster. Once your account is set up, you are set. Zoom can be accessed via your web browser, and also downloaded to your device.

  • 30 minutes prior to every class you are signed up for, you will receive a link with the "Meeting ID" to your live stream. Please join the live stream 5 minutes before the start time of the class.

  • The cost of Online Live Stream Casual Classes will be $5 per class through your Mind Body account on our website or Golden Yogi App. All active monthly or annual memberships will have access to these classes at no extra changes.

Golden Yogi is grateful to all of our students and look forward to spending time together in the comfort and safety of our own homes to help reduce the spread of COVID-19. Thank you for your support and we hope to get through this all together one breath at a time.

Love and light,

Erin & the Golden Yogi Team


We're all in this together.


Dear Yogis,

We are all in this together.

COVID-19 has very quickly changed the landscape of our community, and it is our aim to provide you with transparent updates and support to the best of our ability. It is our priority to keep you, our team, and our community safe and healthy.

Here at Golden Yogi we want to continue being your place of calm and refuge during a time of uncertainty. We will continue to offer classes until we are advised otherwise. There will however be changes to the timetable and studio, as explained in further detail below.

There has been some tough decisions made over the past few days, with the cancellation of events and workshops over the next few weeks. The events and workshops will be postponed and refunds will be offered. You might like to wait to see the new dates released for these, and we will let you know as soon as we have more information.

Please know we are closely monitoring the status of this virus. Thank you for your help with this serious matter.

Sat Nam x

Important Updates

COVID19 Prevention

At Golden Yogi, we have increased our already comprehensive cleaning procedures. We encourage you to bring your own mat, blanket, and blocks to help control the spread of germs.

We urge you to frequently wash your hands, avoid touching your face, eyes, and nose at all times, and try to maintain a reasonable distance from strangers.

Most importantly, please be sure to stay aware of your own health. If you’re feeling ill or notice flu-like symptoms or a cold, respect your community and yourself by resting at home.

Booking Online / App

We will be limiting class numbers to 20 per class to give more space between students.

Please book online to ensure your spot and keep updated with any timetable changes that may occur.

To download the Golden Yogi App, click here.

Online Classes

We are in the process of setting up online classes to go live next week. These will be available to all current members.

Golden Yogi Clinic

Naturopath and Homeopath appointments will continue to be available at the clinic and on Skype or Zoom. With the Coronavirus spreading rapidly through our community it is more important now than ever boost your immunity and keep healthy.

To find out more about the Golden Yogi Clinic offerings, click here.

Postponed Events and Workshops

Please note we have postponed the following:

20 March: Fall Equinox Activation with Erin O'Hara

21 March: Yin & Reiki Workshop with Hannah Crerar and Olivia Scott

29 March: Sound Shower with Avishai Barnatan

5 April: Reiki Level 1 Training with Olivia Scott

Pregnancy Yoga - 6 Week Courses - Monday & Thursday

Restore Your Energy

What is restorative yoga?
A slow, gentle and nurturing practice that facilitates exploration into breath awareness and mindful movement deep within the body. Through a sequence of slow, considered movements (sometimes using yoga props) and focused breathing, this practice helps to move stagnant energy in the body and release tension.

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