Intermittent Fasting and 8 Ways to Support Longevity


Intermitted fasting or fasting mimicking diet have become a hot topic over the last couple of years. Fasting has been used for centuries for healing purposes and part of religious or spiritual practices to deepen your connection to spirit or God.

For a lot of people, the thought of fasting seems extreme and challenging. It takes a lot of commitment and support to do proper water fasting for 3 to 5 days. However, recent research is showing that intermitted fasting or fasting mimicking diet creates similar results to water fasting. When we fast it gives the body a chance to heal and repair. It is being used for healing chronic illnesses as well as part of treatment plans for cancer.

The research is showing by simply reducing the time period for eating during the day and increasing the fasting period overnight has a huge impact in longevity and optimal health. For intermitted fasting you fast for between 12 and 16 hours overnight. This would be like stopping eating after dinner at 7 pm and then not eating breakfast until 9 am in the morning. This time period would be fasting for 14 hours.

Top tips based on the research from Dr Valter Longo, PhD the director of the Longevity Institute USC:

1. Eat a mostly vegan diet with some fish. Minimise bad fats (from animal products and dairy) and sugars, and maximising good facts (like nuts and seeds) and complex carbohydrates (like vegetables, beans, lentils and whole grains). During the eating window it is about getting optimal nutrition into the body that is easy to digest.

2. During the eating window it is best to eat twice a day plus a snack unless your weight or muscle mass is low and then it would be three meals plus a snack. During ageing the body requires more protein to maintain muscle mass.

3. Exercise is also important for longevity. Walk fast for one hour getting your heart rate up, alongside doing some sort of weight training or weight-bearing exercises can help to build bone density and maintain muscle mass especially as you age.

4. To be nourished in the modern day world vitamins and minerals supplements can be helpful as our soil no longer provides certain nutrients. Nutrients and minerals are important for bodies repair, replacement, and defence system to boost immunity.

5. When planning our meals we quite often eat the same things from day to day. However, to provide the right required nutrients for the body we need to eat a variety of foods that are in season. It is helpful to eat foods that is are locally grown.

6. Eat the table of your ancestors by choosing foods that would be common to your ethnicity. Ie - Asian countries traditionally would not have a lot of dairy in their diet and when they try to follow a western diet it causes a lot of health problems for them leading to autoimmune conditions.

7. Time restricted eating restrict your eating to 11 to 16 hours. Shorter periods of feeding have been shown to have an positive effect in promoting health and longevity.

8. For optimal health you can also follow the practice of periodic prolonged fasting which would be the more traditional way of fasting. This would be undergoing a water fast or calorie restricted diet for five days. This is known to have remarkable effects on disease risk factors and optimisation of health and longevity.

Why Every Stressed Person Should Try a Gong Bath


Why every stressed person should try a Gong Bath

When you are feeling stressed-out the best way to unwind and relax is a Gong Bath to let go of the tension from the body and mind. Gong meditation is a unique type of sound practice that creates vibrations to bring healing and therapeutic benefits to the body and the mind. Sound therapy has been used for a long time to bring healing to the body as disease comes into the body when we are vibrating at a non-optimal frequency. Gong sound therapy has been practised for thousands of years and belongs to one of the oldest Southeast Asian musical instruments. The origins may be traced back to the second millennium B.C. In Chinese history, gongs are mentioned around 500 A.D.

Gong bathing can help reduce stress and liberate emotional blockages. Scientific research suggests sound therapy prompts damage human DNA strands to repair themselves. Music therapy is the most mainstream form of sound therapy and been shown to relieve a number of health problems. It is now frequently offered in clinical settings like hospitals and clinics. The sound of the gong reaches the body on a cellular level encouraging integrated healing of the body, mind, and spirit. When the gong is played properly it produces a whole spectrum of harmonics that are based on pressure waves of sound, which vibrate the energy meridians in the body. The sounds of the gong can recalibrate the physical, emotional, and spiritual bodies, and raises the frequency of your electrical magnetic field (the aura) that surrounds your body.

A gong meditation is practised laying on your back and all you need to do is rest in a comfortable position with your eyes closed. The gong usually starts softly and progressively the volume increases. The gong sound is changed frequently to avoid producing a fixed monotonous rhythm. The first brainwave state to be reached is alpha. Alpha brainwaves are associated with creativity and feelings of relaxation. This state is followed by an influx of theta waves. Theta waves are associated with deep meditation, hypnosis, and REM sleep. The sounds from the gong can be very loud. The best way to embrace the gong is to surrender, relax, and let go. The gong is your guide and you will ride the waves of the sound current to a deep relaxing state.

Erin O’Hara, Founder of Golden Yogi

If you are interested in finding out more about Gong Baths, we have some exciting workshops coming up - including Gong Bath Training with Methab Benton.


Master Gong Practictioner Training

Carrot, Cumin & Coriander Soup

Recipe from The Raw Kitchen Cookbook

Recipe from The Raw Kitchen Cookbook


8 carrots, chopped
3 cups (750ml) coconut milk
3 tomatoes
1/4 Tbsp ground cumin
2 Tbsp coriander seeds
3 Tbsp miso paste
1 tsp salt
2 tsp freshly ground black pepper 2 Tbsp yoghurt, to serve
3⁄4 cup (21g/0.9oz) coriander leaves, plus extra to garnish


Peel carrots and trim off the tops and bottoms. Chop into 2cm pieces and place in the high-speed blender. Add the rest of the ingredients to the blender. Blend on medium for 1–2 minutes or until preferred consistency is reached. Warm on stove top until slowly bubbling, stirring so that bottom doesn’t catch. Serve in bowls with a dollop of yoghurt and a sprig of coriander on top.

Serves 4

Recipe from Love By Olivia

Spring Cleansing

There is a clear-crisp feeling in the air that has the power to reveal new visions and inspires new possibilities.  In nature this is the best time to plant seeds, we can mirror nature’s way in our lives by sowing the seeds we wish to harvest in the upcoming months. So when the spring equinox passes on September 23rd, the shift in universal energy will infuse us with the inspiration to ‘spring’ into action setting us up for the season ahead - summer!  

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