How to Build a Packageless Pantry

As we ease into the warmer months, you may feel the need to strip back the layers a little. A little cleansing, clearing of the wardrobe and perhaps slightly less conventional, a clearing out of the pantry. The pantry is surprisingly a place of major clutter for many people, it’s amazing what can hide in there.

So, what does a packageless pantry mean?

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Winter Motivation & Inspiration


Over the winter months our natural tendency is to slow down and hibernate from the cold. It is important to keep our bodies moving so we stay healthy. When we exercise and move our body it helps to boost circulation of blood and lymphatic flow through the body, and makes us feel happy.  

Your lymphatic system needs exercise to work. The lymphatic system is known as the guardian system to remove waste products from the body.  Unlike the circulatory system pumping the blood around the body, the lymphatic system has no pump so relies on us moving our body to stimulate this system.  Whenever we move our muscles we are helping the lymphatic system move lymph fluid through the body. To remain healthy it is important that the body is removing toxins and waste products efficiently from the body.

Exercise keeps us happy. It is hard to stay motivated to keep active over the cold winter months when the circulation is sluggish. When we feel sluggish we generally have lower motivation and do not feel like exercising.  Exercising regularly will benefit both our body and mind to keep you feeling great over the winter. The hardest part about exercising is having the motivation to get to a yoga class, the gym, or out for a walk in the cold. To keep motivated it is best to create an exercise routine for yourself.  Once we start and our blood flow starts circulating we generally feel great!

Write yourself a weekly exercise schedule. This will help you to stay on track. Try to aim to do something most days as little and often is a lot more achievable than doing big long sessions.  Set goals for the week and make them achievable for yourself so you can succeed with the plan. Aim for 20-30 minutes per day.

Yoga keeps you happy & healthy 😀Yoga is great to move your body but also stimulate the glandular system to keep you healthy.  The Nadi Energy channels are like an energy highway system through the body and these energy channels link to the glands. Yoga postures create angles and shapes to pressurise the Nadi channels and stimulate through the glands in the body. Healthy glands are important for your health, immunity and regulate your mood.

With less natural sun light there is a higher incidence of depression and low mood over the winter months. Yoga and meditation helps boost your mood so you can feel happy. The important glands for happiness are pituitary and pineal glands. These glands regulate our neurotransmitters to allow us to feel happy and balance our mood.

By Erin O'Hara

You Are Enough

How often do we feel in our busy lives that we are not quite cutting it? In one or more areas of our lives we feel that we are not enough. We have so many roles to fulfil, that of parent, child, sibling, friend, volunteer, worker, employer....the list goes on.

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Observing Self-Talk

I recently attended a workshop here at Golden Yogi, which was run by Erin O’Hara. The workshop was focusing on the power of vision boards, meditation, and manifestation. During this workshop something that stood out to me, is the strength of words and the effect they can have on us.

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The Butterfly Effect ~ mindful living can change the world.

In chaos theory it is believed that the flap of a butterfly’s wings, despite being the smallest of actions, can have dramatic effects on long-term outcomes. As the theory goes – a flap of those pretty little wings can be enough to determine if a tornado will form or not. And as a metaphor for how we choose to live in the world – we could each choose to think of ourselves, and our actions, like ‘butterflies’.

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If you love art, and you love nature, you are sure to be amazed by the talent of international nature artist Simon Beck. Using not much more than a compass, grid paper, and either his feet or a rake - Simon makes amazing geometric art formations in the snow or sand. Some patterns take him up to ten hours of walking, and his beautiful creations last until the next snow fall or the turning of the tide.

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It's all very exciting as the countdown till launch day amps up, and the to-do list gets ticked! Tomorrow our signage goes up, painters finish final tidbits, brochures come back from the printers, and the same on Thursday. As for our photoshoot last Sunday - what a wonderful way to have warmed the space and spent time as a team - we can't wait to introduce you to the wonderful, inspiring, calm and passionate teachers that are going to add to the Golden Yogi Studio hum! They are in a word ~ GOLDEN!
