It's not everyday you get treated by lululemon athletica to a four day Byron Bay retreat, goal-setting and leadership summit - but for Erin O'Hara that is exactly what happened recently.  

Erin was amazed just how much inspiration, learning, smiles and new friendships you can pack into four days... read on for her highlights and inspirational tips:

lululemon athletica ambassador summit Byron Bay retreat
lululemon athletica ambassador summit byron bay retreat
lululemon athletica ambassador summit Byron Bay Retreat


My favorite moment was probably day one, as we came together and worked on positive empowerment.  I always find it super inspiring to work on where you want to head in life. I’m a big believer in the power of manifestation - and that you actually need to know what you want to create, and where you want to head in life to bring it together.  So this day was all about working out what you want, what you don’t want, and then visualizing your dreams and goals for the next ten years. It was so inspiring as we shared and worked together about where we each wanted to head in life. 


On day two we spent the second half of the day enjoying an incredible walk in the sun. We walked up to the iconic Byron Bay lighthouse that stands tall over the ocean. It was a nice to chance to walk and talk with new friends, watch the whales, and the dolphins frolic out in the ocean. We also headed down to a gorgeous bay with golden sand, soaking up fresh air and nature. It was bliss!


Byron Bay holds a really sacred energy. It has a very hip yet magical energy, as well as providing a chance to get out in nature and enjoy surfing and being on the beach. It has that nice balance if you’re looking to enjoy both growth and spirituality, as well as have a holiday escape. Whether it’s getting out and being in nature, or doing meditation or yoga - it’s got a bit of everything – including some incredible little shops. It really is the perfect escape to meet upbeat and inspiring people, while still taking a moment to connect within and enjoy the laid-back vibe and culture.


Actually work out WHAT YOU WANT. What do you want to achieve in life? And put that into a visual action plan. If you don’t visualize it, it will be very hard to manifest it. So use the power of the mind to imagine what you want. Visualization is the most powerful tool.


Know what you want in life, and what you don’t want in life. Most people spend so much of their time focusing and working on what they don’t want to create in their life. Let’s all spend more time focusing on what we DO want to create as a part of our life.  That is the most powerful and inspirational place to come from – working out what you want, and follow it. And then when you are creating it - know that we are limitless.  As soon as you know you are limitless you can create anything that you want in your life, by just listening and following your dreams and your heart.

If you feel inspired to head to an inspirational retreat, we would love to hear all about your trip and the doors that open for you as a result...

Sat Nam x ~