You Are Enough

How often do we feel in our busy lives that we are not quite cutting it? In one or more areas of our lives we feel that we are not enough. We have so many roles to fulfil, that of parent, child, sibling, friend, volunteer, worker, employer....the list goes on.

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Home Practice

It can take a lot of courage to trust yourself to be the guide of your own practice; while it is not for the faint hearted, sometimes getting to the studio isn’t always possible, particularly at such a busy time of year. For those days when you can’t make it into the studio, take it as an opportunity to dive into your dolphin pose in the comfort of your own home and begin to develop a home practice!

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Observing Self-Talk

I recently attended a workshop here at Golden Yogi, which was run by Erin O’Hara. The workshop was focusing on the power of vision boards, meditation, and manifestation. During this workshop something that stood out to me, is the strength of words and the effect they can have on us.

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Yoga Nidra

Yoga nidra is a practice of deep relaxation in which you are systematically guided to relax your body and mind. Aspects of the practice include sense withdrawal, relaxation of the body, breath awareness, the awareness of sensations, guided imagery, and visualization. Many benefits are associated with the practice and its associated levels of relaxation.

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