5 Realistic Tips for a Consistent Yoga Practice

We all know the drill. You tell yourself you’re going to make yoga a regular habit, then life gets in the way and somehow you haven’t been to a class in weeks. It’s common for motivation and consistency to go in ups and downs, yet consistency in your yoga practice is where the magic happens. A regular and consistent yoga practice builds strength, increases flexibility, allows you to let go of stress and anxiety and connects you to your true self - truly ALL the good stuff. Read below for our 5 realistic tips on how to stay consistent with your yoga practice.

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Golden Gratitude: our yoga teachers share what they are GRATEFUL for this month!

Practising gratitude regularly is a complete game changer. As yogis we have known this for years but now the research is backing that up though with various studies looking at the impact of gratitude on people's lives - and surprise surprise - people who regularly practice gratitude are generally happier and more optimistic! Studies show that people who regularly take time to notice and reflect on the things they're grateful for experience more positivity, express more compassion and kindness, and have healthier relationships with the people around them.

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My Pregnancy Yoga Journey - with Greer Taffard

Discovering Pregnancy Yoga during her first pregnancy, Greer found subtle techniques to adjust to her new and changing body and found tools to stay calm and centred during labour. During her second pregnancy though, yoga was not a possibility and her experience was a completely different one. When Greer become pregnant for the third time she was determined to not have a repeat scenario, and committed to twice weekly yoga classes. Hear about Greer’s three pregnancies and why she believes pregnancy yoga is a must for all pregnant women!

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Studio Reopening - RED Protection Guidelines

We are so excited to let you know Golden Yogi will be reopening on Wednesday 3rd December! Although things may look a little different we are so happy to be back sharing what we love and connecting with the community. Below is a detailed overview of everything you need to know about our reopening. We will be offering both in-studio and outdoor classes to make sure everyone who wants to come to yoga is included. We will be operating with a COVID-Safe plan, keeping the safety, wellbeing, and enjoyment of our students and team as our top priority. We are overjoyed to finally be able to meet together, practice yoga together, be present together and connect within together.

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How Stress Influences Disease

Stress is something we all experience, which is not necessarily a bad thing. The stress response is a natural reaction to life experiences and can help us to cope with potentially serious situations. However if this stress response doesn’t stop firing, these elevated stress level scan take a toll on your long-term health.

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Create a Wellness Retreat at Home

Countrywide lockdowns, a slow economy, and a pandemic on your doorstep may have taken a toll on your mental health and lead to stress & anxiety. A lockdown is an ideal time to practice self-care and focus on your well-being to recharge your energy.

It's the wellness weekend you've been needing ~ relaxation, self-care, healthy meals, physical activity, and all your favorite wellness treatments. Retreats allow you to truly unplug, harmonise the body and mind, and recharge your energy. You don’t need to go anywhere to get these benefits and you can create your own wellness retreat at home.

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How I found Yoga & what is missing from most teacher trainings ~ with Daphne Luke

Yoga has helped me in so many ways and profoundly changed my life. I started yoga in the mid 90s for physical pain and stress and immediately found that helped me deeply on so many levels. After practicing for 10 years I took the plunge and trained to become a teacher in 2006 in the hope that I could share what I love and the system of yoga - mind, body and spirit. I thought that if I could help at least one person like it has changed my life then it would be worth it…

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Dreams: Why do we have them and what do they mean?

Everyone dreams every night, yet 95% of dreams are forgotten before we wake in the morning. The ones that are remembered can be entertaining, fun, adventurous, vivid and often bizarre. Yet there is still much about sleep and dreams that remain a mystery for experts. Even the question of why we dream is one yet to be answered. However there are studies that can help us to understand what triggers intense dreams and the health benefits of dreaming.

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8 Tips to keep your Immune System Strong

When we’re feeling strong and healthy we can take our immune healthy for granted. Yet when the sniffles start we hope our immune system will pick up the slack. The colder months often make it harder to keep up with a healthy lifestyle. I’ve listed my top 8 tips for keeping your immune system strong as the seasons change.

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How to tell you have reached the point of Burnout?

Burnout is when you reach a state of mental and physical exhaustion. The main cause of burnout is stress. It is when you wake up feeling exhausted and dread getting out of bed. If you continue to push through burnout it can lead to depression, anxiety, heart disease, diabetes, and obesity.

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Detox Herbal Blend

“I like to drink my detox blend first thing in the morning, to stimulate the liver and get the detoxification process started. I also love to sip on this throughout the day, or while on a juice cleanse, as it has potent healing powers. The unique combination of ingredients in this blend has been formulated to enhance your body’s natural detoxifying processes, helping to cleanse out lingering toxins and impurities. The licorice root and dandelion will help to soothe your digestion, providing a feeling of refreshment and vitality. “ - Olivia Scott

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8 Self-Care Tips for Busy Mums

Being a mum can be hard work! It is a 24 hour seven day a week commitment. From waking in the night to breastfeed, to picking up kids from school, to having a busy schedule and working; means mums can often get exhausted and burnt out!! It is common for mums to put themselves at the bottom of the list as they are always busy caring and looking after everyone else’s needs before themselves. The mum is the centre-point of the house and their wellbeing is really important to keep the family healthy and happy.

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