superfoods golden yogi

One of my favourite ingredients to add to teas, fresh juices, and soups is ginger. There are many reasons to like ginger, other than just the fact it adds wonderful zinginess to food and drinks. Ginger is known botanically as Zingiber officinale, which derives from its Sanskrit name singabera meaning "horn shaped".  Ginger has many health benefits to boost your general health and wellbeing.


~ Digestive Function: The carminative and spasmolytic actions of ginger help to relax and soothe the muscles of the gastrointestinal tract to prevent gas and bloating.

~ Anti-Nausea: Scientific studies show ginger may temporarily alleviate nausea and vomiting from pregnancy, after surgery, during chemotherapy, and motion sickness.

~ Anti-inflammatory. A folk remedy for the treatment of arthritis. The gingerol compounds have very potent anti-inflammatory actions that explain why studies show ginger relieves pain in people with osteo and rheumatoid arthritis.

Reducing Pain: The gingerol compounds have a similar action to NSAID but without the negative effects.  These compounds inhibit the formation of inflammatory cytokines chemical messengers of the immune system.

~ Anti-cancer: Research shows that ginger reduces certain cancers such as colorectal, ovarian, pancreatic, kidney and lung, by inhibiting the growth and production of cancer cells.

~ Immune Boosting: During flu season, stock up on your ginger because it boosts your immune system by inducing sweating, warming you from the inside, and allowing the body to fight infection. German researchers have recently found that sweat contains a potent germ-fighting agent that may help fight off infections.


~ Ginger tea: Great to drink when you feel a cold coming on. Crush 1 inch slice of ginger and add to ½ lemon juice squeezed and 1 cup boiling water.  Let ginger steep into hot water for several minutes before drinking.

~ Juice: Add to freshly squeezed juices.  Especially good with carrot, apple, celery, and beetroot. YUM!

~ Yogi tea: click here to enjoy our delicious yogi tea recipe.

~ Soups: Add 1 tsp grated fresh ginger to vegetable soups and stir-fry’s while cooking to give a zing of flavour and warmth. 

References: available on request


- High in potassium to lower blood pressure and balance kidney function.

- Manganese to help to balance blood sugar levels, thyroid function, and synthesize fatty acids and cholesterol for healthy heart function.

- Also a source of vitamin C, vitamin B6, magnesium, and phosphorus.

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