March 2020 Full Moon Report


The Virgo full moon on Monday, March 9, 2020, has a generally positive influence but there are some potential challenges to be aware of.

The March 2020 full moon is opposite Neptune which can cause confusion, deception, and scandal. This challenging aspect to the planet ruling illness and infection may also increase fears about coronavirus which may be well-based if a pandemic is declared. A trine aspect to Jupiter brings the potential good fortune, trust, and faith. However, this generous aspect to the planet of growth could also increase the spread of the virus.

These aspects to the March 2020 full moon activate Jupiter sextile Neptune. This idealistic and spiritual enlightening aspect gives the March 9 full moon its overall positive influence. It also means hope, faith, and moral integrity from Jupiter can overcome any fears, suspicions or secrets from Neptune.

Fixed stars conjunct full moon March 2020 also have a mixed influence but again, a generally positive one. They bring the potential for regrets, disgrace, and misfortune. But also the strength, courage, and spiritual force to combat fear and deception with faith and honesty.

Full Moon Meaning

Sun opposite Moon brings your home, family and intimate relationships into sharper focus for the following two weeks of this moon phase. Opposing forces such as work versus home, or what you need versus what you want, create inner tension and external pressures. This can lead to conflict and crises that drain your energy.

The lunar qualities of emotions and instincts reach their peak at a full moon. So use your increased emotional strength and intuition to overcome any relationship challenges. Subconscious awareness allows for an impartial and balanced look at your personal relationships. You will clearly see any relationship dynamics or negative feelings causing disharmony.

Full Moon March 2020 Astrology

The March 9 full moon at 19°37′ Virgo is opposite Neptune and trine Jupiter. The strongest influence is the Sun and Neptune opposite the Moon, but Jupiter sextile Neptune amplifies the fortunate influence of Jupiter and also brings out the more positive side of Neptune.

There are a number of fixed stars influencing the full moon March 2020 astrology, from three different constellations. The biggest of these is Denebola in the Tail of the Lion.

Full Moon March 2020 Astrology

Full Moon Challenges

Full Moon opposite Neptune can increase your emotional sensitivity so much that you could become confused about your own feelings and misunderstand others. You could also give the wrong impression to others.

A tendency to over idealize someone and ignore their negative character traits could leave you vulnerable to deception and scandal. Being misunderstood, victimized or rejected could lead to fear, disappointment, isolation, and self-pity. So be very clear and honest about your intentions and avoid gossip.

Your intuition may become negatively influenced by your subconscious fears and be unreliable. You could imagine things that are not real, experience strange feelings or have nightmares. Paranoia, hypochondria, weakness, guilt, and shame are possible. Take extra precautions if you are not feeling well as you could be more susceptible to illness and infection.

Full Moon Solutions

Full Moon trine Jupiter brings good feelings and happiness. It helps you share your feelings with openness and honesty to reduce the deceptive influence of Neptune. It also improves mutual respect and understanding to reduce the confusing influence of Neptune.

Increased self-awareness will help you better differentiate between truth and fiction, reality and illusion. The fortunate and generous Jupiter aspect helps bring out the more positive traits of Neptunes like imagination, creativity, and compassion. Wealth, success, popularity and friendship are possible.

Jupiter sextile Neptune brings harmony, kindness, hope and good fortune. This spiritual enlightening aspect gives a good overall perspective of who you are and your place in the world. You can better align yourself and your goals with your spiritual philosophy or religious beliefs.

You can be generous without sacrificing your living standards. You can grow spiritually without throwing away your material possessions. Optimism, good intentions, and moral integrity make this a good full moon for professional advancement, business, and legal matters.

Full Moon Stars

The full moon in Virgo Sign is actually situated in Leo Constellation. This is because the Constellations have moved about 30° out of alignment with the Signs since they were invented over 2000 years ago. See Precession of the Equinoxes for more detail.

Fixed star astrology is based on planets aligned with stars on the same longitude, represented by the horizontal lines in the star map below. The closest major fixed star to full moon March 2020 is Denebola in the Tail of the Lion. But some minor stars away from the ecliptic ar much closer by longitude. These include stars in the southern constellations of Vela the Sails of the Ship, and Antlia Pneumatica the Air Pump.


Numerology Forecast for 2020: Happy New Year!


Here we are, can you even believe it! The start of a New Year and a new decade on planet Earth. We have shifted from the number 1 to the number 2 decade in our calendar lineup, and the results could not be more dramatic.

Humanity is now at a critical point of evolution, and the numbers have much to say as to how we may best navigate this transition. There is no middle ground anymore, it is literally a “sink or swim” paradigm, so let’s take a look at how to stay elevated and enjoy the journey.

The number 1 of the previous decade has leaned into the themes of independence, opportunity, and a tendency to overly focus on one’s own self as the priority. This will no longer work on any level. The degree of isolation, depression, drug and alcohol abuse, and relationship dysfunction has now reached pandemic proportions.

When the number 1 is imbalanced, it can be tyrannical in nature. I have witnessed an increasing trend where one family member will exert their will to the point that they are now the Captain of an empty ship. Everyone else grabbed a life raft and is madly paddling away.

Sometimes we need to get back to basics, and the most basic element of any relationship is communication. A brilliant and understandable approach can be found in the field of “NonViolent Communication” training. You can easily get the book on this and begin the journey towards healing the relationships in your life.

Number 2 in the Positive polarity represents the themes of harmony, balance, devotion, mutual support and divine alliance. In the Negative polarity it represents conflict, duality, and an immature, if not even childish, reaction to not getting one’s own way.

This emotional reactivity is the biggest problem on a social level throughout 2020. “You’re either with me or against me!” will be a very common stance. The ability to find or create a middle ground will be the tipping point between harmony or total breakdown and chaos.

And yet, there is actually another challenge that can outweigh the external duality. That problem is mental breakdown and imbalance. We are seeing a sharp increase in mental health issues in our society, and this is not good. The number 2 represents the balance of our two brain hemispheres working together in harmony. When we abuse or mentally pressurize the brain, trouble is just around the corner.

Keep a balance in your life between your responsibilities and what is now popularly called self-care. Self-care is the new prescription for well-being, and there is no way around this.

Get back to basics with your food, exercise, meditation, and social gatherings. You can’t get through this year flying solo, so reach out as best you can and participate with others. Try a class in rock climbing, pottery spinning, creative writing, improv theater, ethnic cooking, pastry baking, anything to get you out of the house and get involved!

“Don’t isolate and insulate yourself,” is a quote of Yogi Bhajan’s, and he was speaking specifically of the transition time we are now in on the planet. Another tip he gave is to include turmeric in your diet. It helps to balance the pressures in the brain and it can help people keep their mental equilibrium.

Equilibrium is the name of the game in 2020, and as number 2 also represents boundaries, don’t lose yours! The ability to say “No!” to that which is inappropriate can be the tipping point between taking the time to regenerate yourself or, having a nervous breakdown.

Developing intuition is the way to protect ourselves in the world, yet it can be difficult to be intuitive if we are ruthlessly addicted to fear, insecurity, anger, or substances. The meditation for healing addictions is a good one to practice this year. We are all addicted to something, and 2020 highlights these tendencies so they can be resolved.

The beauty of this practice is that it is easy to do, and also easy to teach beginners. You could be the saving grace of sanity and stability by sharing this meditation with a friend or family member.

Number 2 embodies the Negative Mind and a field of high sensitivity. We will find ourselves more sensitive to what is occurring in our environments, and decisions will need to be made as to whether or not it is healthy to remain there.

Lastly the number 2 is all about the cozy connectivity we feel with others and the Angelic realm. One of my all-time favorite songs is “I’ll Stand by You,” by The Pretenders. Sometimes I listen to this song and imagine an Angel sitting by me on the sofa and handing me a cup of tea. Then another Angel comes over and puts a cozy blanket over me, smiles, and says, “Nothing you confess would make me love you less.” It’s a good moment.

Let us all stand by each other at this time, holding hands and holding faith in the goodness and creative flow of Universe. Let us reach out to each other with a smile and a kind word, knowing it is just the right medicine to dispel the illusion of separation.

We are the Ones we have been waiting for; right here, right now, right on time in the Divine. Sat Nam and Happy New Year.

By Nam Hari Kaur


Why Every Stressed Person Should Try a Gong Bath


Why every stressed person should try a Gong Bath

When you are feeling stressed-out the best way to unwind and relax is a Gong Bath to let go of the tension from the body and mind. Gong meditation is a unique type of sound practice that creates vibrations to bring healing and therapeutic benefits to the body and the mind. Sound therapy has been used for a long time to bring healing to the body as disease comes into the body when we are vibrating at a non-optimal frequency. Gong sound therapy has been practised for thousands of years and belongs to one of the oldest Southeast Asian musical instruments. The origins may be traced back to the second millennium B.C. In Chinese history, gongs are mentioned around 500 A.D.

Gong bathing can help reduce stress and liberate emotional blockages. Scientific research suggests sound therapy prompts damage human DNA strands to repair themselves. Music therapy is the most mainstream form of sound therapy and been shown to relieve a number of health problems. It is now frequently offered in clinical settings like hospitals and clinics. The sound of the gong reaches the body on a cellular level encouraging integrated healing of the body, mind, and spirit. When the gong is played properly it produces a whole spectrum of harmonics that are based on pressure waves of sound, which vibrate the energy meridians in the body. The sounds of the gong can recalibrate the physical, emotional, and spiritual bodies, and raises the frequency of your electrical magnetic field (the aura) that surrounds your body.

A gong meditation is practised laying on your back and all you need to do is rest in a comfortable position with your eyes closed. The gong usually starts softly and progressively the volume increases. The gong sound is changed frequently to avoid producing a fixed monotonous rhythm. The first brainwave state to be reached is alpha. Alpha brainwaves are associated with creativity and feelings of relaxation. This state is followed by an influx of theta waves. Theta waves are associated with deep meditation, hypnosis, and REM sleep. The sounds from the gong can be very loud. The best way to embrace the gong is to surrender, relax, and let go. The gong is your guide and you will ride the waves of the sound current to a deep relaxing state.

Erin O’Hara, Founder of Golden Yogi

If you are interested in finding out more about Gong Baths, we have some exciting workshops coming up - including Gong Bath Training with Methab Benton.


Master Gong Practictioner Training

July New Moon and Solar Eclipse in Cancer

Cancer New Moon

Cancer New Moon

We’re now approaching the new moon solar eclipse in Cancer. This potential big shake-up on the home front may already be felt as we draw closer…and start of eclipse season, a window of 3 eclipses over three consecutive new and full moon creating a prolonged window of accelerated growth if we embrace the lessons. 

During a solar eclipse the moon moves in front of the sun obscuring the light of the sun. What does that mean? Unexpressed emotions will be felt and expressed catalysing shifts based on the truth of our deepest feelings. And Kali Ma, the Dark Mother will surface calling out unconscious patterns of behaviour…coming ready or not!

This first eclipse in the sign of Cancer is likely to highlight situations that are not honouring of our emotional body. i.e. relationships where we feel emotionally unloved, unsupported or unwelcome since Cancer highlights our core need to belong.

This eclipse may evoke mother issues that are impacting your ability to form emotional attachments and risk emotional intimacy and resentments if you feel like you’re not receiving the same level of nurturance and support you give to others.

And for those of you with planets near 10.37 (round it up to 11) degrees Cancer get ready for big life changes, particularly to do with home, family and community! 
So whilst new moon in Cancer may see us wanting to snuggle on the couch with movies & comfort food in response to this intensity, it’s helpful to remember ‘in-tense’ encounters are an opportunity to accelerate our transformation.

So long as we stay in the present tense & feel what’s surfacing. The more present we are, the more available we are to take responsibility & process anything that’s being triggered.

Excerpt from The Moon Woman

4 uses for Selenite Crystal for Healing

Selenite Wand

Selenite Wand

All crystals have different properties and are formed naturally to give and recieve specific energy frequencies. Our bodies and crystals both have energetic vibrations, which means our bodies are receptive to the frequency of aligning our vibration with crystals. Our bodies have free-flowing energy, so the crystals can be used accordingly to re-align, unblock and re-charge areas of our body.

Crystals are a tool to help align the energy of our conscious manifestations to our body. They can be powerful when used to realign our thoughts with our energy field i.e. when using affirmations or intentions. Thoughts can be powerful because they also have energetic frequencies. Crystals can help magnify and transmute those thoughts.

In my Reiki practice, I use Selenite on almost every client. I find it incredibly powerful in clearing energy, cleansing chakras, and helping unlock blockages. It also brings high vibration to an area of that body that could have slow or low energy vibration.

You can use your Selenite Crystals to:

  • Absorbs stagnant energy. It is especially beneficial

  • Clears blockages. Selenite is also known as ‘liquid light’ and is used for cleansing and for light protection

  • Can be used to clear spaces in homes. Keep Selenite (or a Selenite lamp) next to your bed to help clear unwanted energy while you sleep

  • Helps to connect with third eye and crown chakra. Helps to increase purity and positive energy

You can purchase Selenite and lamps online and in most crystal shops.

Love, By Olivia

5 ways to harness the energy of the new moon


Think of a new moon like a blank canvas, a fresh start. New Moons are the best time to wipe the slate clean and get clear on what you would like to invite into your life. Think big, don’t be afraid to really be bold and use the energy to your advantage. Ever since Ancient Shamanic times, the new moons have always been marked as the time to ‘begin’ the harvest, the build, the project - physical, mental or emotional.

  1. Write your intentions down. Get clear and journal out what you are calling in. When you are finished, release it to the moon and let the magic unfold. Use guidance cards to ask your guides/higher self questions you would like the answers to. Use crystals to amplify energy of your intentions.

  2. Use the energy to do a fast. It can also be a time to reset the body, purge or detox. Drink plenty of herbal tea and water to help eliminate as many toxins as possible. Perhaps have a break from coffee, or another type of stimulant you usually consume.

  3. Physically release. Go to a sauna, steam room, have a bath, have a massage, or do something with your body that helps you to physically or emotionally release, or ‘let go’.

  4. Rest. Use the energy of the moon to do a longer meditation, move slowly, go for a nature walk and ponder the stillness.

  5. Plant crops, herbs or decorative plants. Greens with lots leaves grow better when planted on a new moon. The energy of the water starts to be pulled upwards and therefore into the greens.

Olivia from Love By Olivia x