The Power Of Mantra

The Power of Mantra

Mantras are sound projections that alter the thought patterns of the mind and the chemistry of the brain. The word mantra means “man” = mind, and “trang” = wave or projection. The power of the sound has a definite predictable effect on the chakras and the human psyche.

One of the most powerful tools we have for meditation is the power of using mantra whether it’s internal (silent) mantra in the mind or chanting aloud to create the sound vibration. Mantras are used to elevate and modify consciousness through the meaning and rhythmical repetition. The rhythm of the mantra allows the mind to come into the neutral meditative mind to change the thought patterns and break repetitive or negative thought cycles.

The use of mantra is known as Naad Yoga. It is based on the experience of how sound vibrations affect the body, mind, and spirit. Mantra works through the movement of the tongue on the meridian points. There are 84 meridian points located on the hard palate of the roof of the mouth - 32 pairs (64 points) on the hard palate surface directly behind and along the inside of the teeth and 20 points located in the curve on the central part of the palate. As we move the tongue to chant mantra we create a code that helps to change the thoughts and the mind. It is no different than a phone number - if you want to ring a friend you dial their number but if you ring any random number you will not be able to get hold of your friend. Mantra works in a similar way. The mantra that you chant works like a code on the upper palate of the mouth to stimulate the meridians to affect the energy flow in a particular way through the body and mind.

There is no system of nerve connections between sections of the brain but instead there is a neurotransmission of fluid. Different chemical liquids are excreted into different parts of the brain and messages are transmitted to different parts of the brain through fluids.

We can project the authentic self through the use of our word. Chanting mantras either silently or aloud is a conscious method of controlling and directing the mind. We create every word we speak and even every word we think. When we chant a mantra we choose to evoke the positive power in the particular syllables, rhythm, and frequent of that particular mantra. Simply by chanting mantra we are sending vibrations into motion that shall have the effect. For mantra, it does not matter whether we understand the meaning of the sound or not, as the mantra is the frequency of the sound vibration. By vibrating a particular combination of sounds you tune into various levels of intelligence or consciousness. We have the power to choose what we project and what we think. Through the use of mantra, the words, and the rhythm have an effect on our consciousness. 

“A person can tune his or her own consciousness into the awareness of that totality with the use of a mantra. By vibrating in rhythm with the breath to a particular sound that is proportional to the creative sound, or sound current, one can expand one’s sensitivity to the entire spectrum of vibration. It is similar to striking a note on a stringed instrument. In other words, as you vibrate, the universe vibrates with you.” ~ Yogi Bhajan